ThorbArt Presents

    In the time of now   
south garden
we all think to be ourselve
            then like all the ones before
    for sure a thought 
awakens new dreams of hope
    or        not like a rope dangling    
        off the limb of an old oak
    fate finds fear in the heart
like rot or a fungus can start
   if weakness prevails.

This next section is random inserts so will be different every time you enter or refresh.

fire gnome First Line, Last Line
Posted: 4/11/2006 12:18:43 PM

becoming one is all that I seek
should definitely help with that job interview
dedication and desires will peak
with acceptance of what you really want to do

Why else would anyone go through that process
the study and late nights without sleep
leaving your friends for books in the library
realizing in business you sow before you reap

Now what does this all have to do with sex
when that seems to be the thing on everyone’s mind
Hey, who cares about the global economy anyway
when an I-pod and x-box were so beautifully designed

I think the next trend will involve cellphones and bananas
bringing nourishment through cyber vita-text
Then our sweet words of love passing across the skies
will seduce into fulfilling orgasms with a hex

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